These are some pics of when Nicole, Jonte', and I met B5
for the 2nd time.....

Carnell, Nicole, Bryan, Me, Jonte', Patrick, Kelly,
and Dustin!! That was a great day!! They were so nice and they smelled SOOO good!!

My cousin Jonte' and her fave Kelly Kellz!!

Nicole aka Miss South Carolina 2007 with her fave

Me and my fave {da one and only}.......BRYAN!!! Y'all
see Carnell right?! He was NOT supposed to be in my pic, but he look good so I ain't mad!! Lolzz!!
B5 is so friggin' great, because when you meet them they
are so cool and easy to talk to!! If you ever meet them don't freak out and be like, "Oh-Em-Gee B5!! I love you!!" 'Cause
if you do they'll smile and everything, but they don't think that is cute at all!! Just be yourself and act like y'all been
friends for years!! Haha!! That's what we did!! When we saw them we was like, "Hey wassup?!" Shoot, I asked Carnell for
a piece of gum, but he ain't have none!! Don't be like, "Oh-Em-Gee hi B5!!" And don't ask them questions that
make them be like, "Wtf is her problem?" Aight?