You know how people have seperate sites
for Chris Brown and B5?! Well, we decided to make a site for Chris Brown and B5!!! To us they are the sexiest dudes
on the planet!!! If you want the definition to sexy....WE HAVE SIX!!! ENJOY (look at sexy pics at your own risk)!!! HATERZ LEAVE NOW!!!!

We've decided to use this site to post blogs,
pictures, and news about Chris Brown and B5!!! Plus, we are going to promote B5 to the fullest!!! Because they
need your help....Chris Brown....Well, let's just say that the boy has had two Grammy nominations and we don't think
he's doing that bad!!! But seriously think of the last you heard "Hydrolics" or "In My Bedroom" on the radio. They need us.....So
if you have a myspace join B5's streeteam and call your local radio stations (100.1's # is 978-BEAT or 978-1001)! B5's album
"Don't Talk Just Listen" is in stores now!!! Go get it!! And get the re-release of Chris Brown's "Exclusive: The Forever Edition!"
