I likes them shoes!! Those are the Diamond Dawgz
that I'm getting!! YAY!! Me and Kellz can be twins!! Lolzzz.....j/k!!


He looks lost, but he's still cute!! Ily Bryan!!

Carnell and Bryan.....What in the mess is Bryan doing?

Nellz....GOD DAWG!!!

Bryan.....OH WOW!!

Beezy, Kellz, and Nellz!! My fave, my cuzzo's fave,
and my sister's fave!!

I love those shoes!! They are too phresh!! And let's
not forget how sexy Patrick looks in this pic!! Hehe!!

The first Breeding boy and the last Breeding boy.....HOW
CUTE!!! Lolzz...

He looks like he's "Crankin' Dat Michael Jackson!"

He looks like he was about to leave the room and
then somebody was like, "Come back!" And when he saw that they had a camera he just put up the ducez!

I got this pic from his myspace.......Aren't you
glad I did?? 'CAUSE HE LOOKS SEXYY!!! My sister flipped when she saw this pic and so did I!!

I gotta' math equation for you........Bryan-Hat=Sexy!!
Yea I do NOT like that hat or mask.....WHATEVER IT IS I DON'T LIKE IT!! But he seems to like it so I'm not gonna' make a big
deal out of it, but I still don't like it!!

He's like, "Gotta problem?" Lolzz...

Pat lookin' like Dustin!! Pat lookin' sexy!!

Pat with some friends......The one in the yellow
is straight. I would say something about the one in the brown, but since his glasses are covering half of his face
I can't!! Lolzz....

1. What's up with Pat's facial expression??
2. Doesn't that girl look like she could be Dustin's
daughter?? Uh-oh!! Lmao j/k!!